Our Solutions | Neptune Custom Engineering Ltd.

Over the years, we've had engineering problems we had to solve and we'd like to show you our solutions. See what problems we can potentially solve for you!

StumpCycle (patent pending)

When the weather began to turn a little warmer, our in-house engineer Philip Tucker turned his thoughts to cycling - and the problems he faces with doing something like that. He discovered that if he fitted his prosthetic to the pedal and cycled using that, the force during cycling started to pull his prosthetic off of his stump and caused problems applying the force the right way.

So given his skills, he set about designing a solution - using the method common for those who are limb-different and want to cycle. He took the idea of a plate to press the stump down on and created a mechanism that uses that force and applies it the way the force was meant to be applied with a normal limb. After successfully testing it, he discovered it worked very well! Now he's applied for a patent and is selling the device to those out there who might be able to use it and cycle as nature intended! (Sort of).

If you're interested, feel free to browse our eBay shop and see it for yourself - or order one!

Motorcycle Twin Master Cylinder

After losing his right leg above the knee in a motorcycle accident, Philip (our engineer and proprietor) tried using existing adaptations, but wasn't satisfied with the equipment available. Being a skilled engineer himself, he began developing his own ideas in partnership with PFM Brakes. These ideas have been tested, proven and are now incorporated into the Twin Mastercylinder design, which is patented to them and sold via their online store. Their own product, our engineer has contributed significantly to the design and development of the Twin Mastercylinder.

To find out more about this, please contact us via the details below or on the Contact Us page. Alternatively, click the button below to buy the product directly from PFM Brakes, which has been machined and assembled in our workshop.

To the Product!

Kawasaki Z1300 Water Pump Housing

This job came about when, in order to get the thermostat out of a Kawasaki Z1300, it had proved necessary to damage the water pump housing. As it is linked with the thermostat housing the two parts have to be removed together, but the castings and bolts were heavily corroded. Eventually, this proved to be impossible and the mechanic doing the job then tried to get hold of a new one - only to find that Kawasaki can no longer supply it. When he tried motorcycle breakers looking for the part, they expressed that they had done the same damage trying to take it out.

Concluding that this was a common problem, our engineer was given the task of machining a replacement. He also made a few spares, as other people may have the same problem. If this does interest you or you wish to take a look at our other products, then feel free to follow the link below to see our products. Alternatively, contact us via the information in the site footer.

To the Motorcycle Parts!